How movement can slow down ageing

There is a lot of talk around about ways to slow ageing - from diets, to supplements, and even medication.

Yet did you know exercise is one of THE most effective anti ageing strategies we currently have? ! 

Regular physical movement is proven to increase our life span, by reducing the risk of early death by up to 30%, as well as also increasing our health span (how long we stay healthy for, rather than how long we are just alive for)

It does this mostly by preventing or slowing down the following conditions, that contribute to much of the ageing process:

✔️prevents muscle loss and weakness (this is called sarcopenia - our muscles naturally start to get weaker from about age 40 unless we actively prevent this 😳)

✔️slowing down loss of bone strength (osteoporosis - our bones get weaker from about age 35-40, in women this process speeds up after menopause, it's a significant cause of disability in older people) 

✔️helps prevent memory loss and preserve cognitive function (decision making, creativity, concentration, multitasking etc) 

✔️reduces the risk of age related weight gain, and of muscle being replaced by fat (this naturally happens alongside sarcopenia)

✔️helps prevent insulin resistance and high cholesterol (naturally increases with age, progressively in men, in particular after menopause in women) 

✔️protects nervous system function (reflexes and coordination slow with age, increasing the risk of falls) 

✔️helps prevent reduced libido and sexual function, including erectile dysfunction in men

✔️lowers high blood pressure

✔️protects against age related reduced immune function.

✔️helps prevents loss of lung function (ability of the body to take in oxygen and deliver it to cells) 

✔️reduces the risk of poor sleep and low mood

✔️reduces inflammation (this naturally increases with age, contributing to risk of heart attack, stroke, and cancer) 

Exercise even stops our telomeres from getting shorter  (ends of our DNA that protect the DNA from damage - longer telomeres equals longer health and life span)!  And it doesn’t take much - getting the recommended 150minutes/ week of moderate cardio, and 2-3 days/week of strength training can make a huge difference to health

So rather than spending $$ on unproven supplements and treatments to keep you young - try to get moving instead - its free, and far more useful!


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